Het schip is ontworpen door de Franse architect Eric Henseval.
“She is the “big” brother of Souriceau. Why Aviateur (Aviator)? for the dream to sail the transatlantic route of the “Aéropostale” which is a sailing project for the boat.
The boat is designed to be built by home-builders, or by a professional yard. Aviateur 5,70m can be sailed with your family in coastal navigations. She has been designed for high seas as well as Minis 6.50m, to be a very seaworthy little boat.”

Building material: 9mm thick. marine plywood, glass fiber and epoxy resin.
Hull length: 5,70 m
Length at DWL: 5,70 m
Length over all, LOA: 5,95 m
Beam max. : 2,50 m
Beam (max) at DWL : 1,9 m
Fwd free-board: 0,95 m
Aft free-board: 0,81 m
Draft min./max.0,66 m / 1,31 m
Retractable keel with tackle (easy and simple system)
Length from DWL to the head of the mast: 8,88 m
Engine: outboard from 2 HP to 6 HP
Mainsail Area: 14,4m2
Solent Area: 8,09m2
Total Area to windward: 22,5m2
Spinnaker Area (asymetrical): 27m2
Sliding integrated pool (through the watertight anchor locker)
Displacement: 625 kg
Displacement (half loading) 837.5 kg
Displacement (full loading) 1050 kg
Can be well loaded for big navigations
Keel ballast: 230kg with 200kg of bulb
Unsinkable with flotation foam under berthes
Can beach.
European Conception Category: C3 D4
Introductie op de Salon Nautique Paris 2011.
Een aantal exemplaren zijn gebouwd door Pichavant in Loctudy.
Op Youtube staan meerdere filmpjes over het schip.
Presentatie van de Aviateur 5.70
Het schip in actie
Andere bouwers van een Aviateur 5.70:
Sébastien Fivaz
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